Temperature 25 °C !

ROLLERSKI - ROLLER-SKI - SKIROLL - SKI-ROUES Le blog de la Coupe du Monde FIS de Rollerski El blog de la Coppa del mundo FIS de skiroll FIS Rollerski World Cup, the blog FIS Rollerski Welt Cup, der Blog ! Do not hesitate to add a comment, give us your point of view !
It was hot. Very, very hot.
I think that it was nice &, like we all know, very hot.All competitors were very polite and friendly, except some of the Italans… They didn't even want to talk to us…I don't know why…? But, ther's always exception, for example - Alfio Di Gregorio. He only talk to us for a few minuts, but he was very nice.:)I'm very glad that You (who are you?) think that ceremony was one of the best, but I think that we could have done it so much better… I hope that next year we'll organise it better..:) I also like your idea about us organising the World Championship..! That would be just grate!
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